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Francesco I d'Este, with the Expedition of the Embassadors and Ministers of State, Declare..., 1659. Creator: Bartolomeo Fenice.
Plate 1: Ship of Hercules (Barcha del Hercole), with dragon-headed prow and Hercules on pl..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Plate 2: The Argonaut Amphion led by Mercury (Anfione Argon. condotto da Mercurio), with a..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Plate 3: Captain of the army of Chalchis (Capitana del armata de Colco), from the series '..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
The Argonauts led by Minerva (Reale dell armata di Argonuti con da Minerves), from the ser..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Calais and Zetes led by Boreas and Oreithyia (Calai e Zeti condotti da Borea et Oritia), w..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Plate 13: Argonauts Meleager and Tydeus led by Cupid (Meleagro et Tideo Argonotes condotti..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Plate 15: Rivers and goddesses, with floating islands guided by pole bearers, female figur..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Plate 14: The Argonauts Eurytus, Echion, and Aethalides (Eurito Echione e Etalide Argonote..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Plate 16: The Argonaut Asterion led by a young figure of lightning (Asterione argonote con..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Plate 16: Ship of musicians with the sea god Claucus and tritons (Barcha di musici rapra C..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Plate 18: Orpheus led by Bacchus (Orfeo condotto da Bacco), from the series 'The magnifice..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Plate 8: Polyphemus and Palemonius led by Ceres (Polifemo e Palemonio Argonauti condotti d..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Plate 7: Peleo et Talamone Argonauti condotti da Tetide, from The magnificent pageant on t..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Plate 9: Argonauts Hicleus and Naucleus led in the float of Neptune (Hicleo e Naucleo Argo..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Plate 10: Agamemnon and Menelaus seated in a boat accompanied by other figures including V..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.
Plate 12: Atalanta led by Diana (Atalata condoti da Diana), accompanied by warriors bearin..., 1664. Creator: Unknown.